© 2009 / 2013

Welcome to the homepage of the independent film project “EPOCH of TELOMER“, a film created by Sci-Fi fans for Sci-Fi fans.

The idea of shooting a Sci-Fi feature film was born in August 2009 at a garden party. Over the course of the following months the story for the film developed and in order to get a feeling for the whole thing some test scenes were shot. Moreover, the subject “casting” was approached, which turned out to be a huge difficulty. The demand for a full script, production schedule and so on overwhelmed us at that point. (Who likes disclosing several ideas to strangers just like that?) At least we could answer the question about how many feature films we’ve already produced briefly and succinctly: none! Anyway, we weren’t completely clueless ;), but originally experienced in various fields like for example CGI, music, photography, film editing etc..

But bit by bit, despite all the prophecies of doom, a good, dedicated and reliable team established and the collaboration proved to be very pleasant. Each one of us knows: The movie won’t ever get finished by just talking big and in the long run power is what we need!

After having published some CGI test sequences under the title “teaser” for nearly two years now, the time has come to present you the first trailer soon. It will contain real “EPOCH of TELOMER” scenes and hopefully give you a positive first impression about the acting and cinematic look you can expect.

So … The excitement is building!

The whole team intends to produce a professional indie film. That’s why we always adopt new know-how. We’re not forcing things – and if that means the movie’s completion will take longer, this will serve as a basis for quality improvement.

Most of the contributors are from Frankfurt am Main or thereabouts.

Every member of the team works on his own authority and at his own expense. Nobody is getting paid here! But who does get paid for pursuing his hobby?

At this point, I’d like to give a huge thank you to the professionals of our team (professional actors, camera and film technology professionals). Especially the professional actors with their on-set-coaching increase the quality of the movie tremendously. ‘Cause, of what use would the greatest VFX be, if the actors’ performances were unbelievable? Fortunately, our professionals didn’t and don’t consider themselves too good for motivating our lay people and disclosing some tricks.

The teambuilding phase may already be finished, but we are still looking for some specialists who could help us in the post-production phase: CGI, compositors, 3D modelers, animators.

So, whoever seriously feels called to work with us in post-production and wants to acquire film credits, please message us.

You should be self-critical, technically versed, able to work in a team, patient and reliable. You should also be prepared to spend time on that project.

Blood, sweat and tears is this movie’s fuel!

We’re a well-practiced team by now and we don’t bite!

Mail: info@epochoftelomer.de

In the end, participating in this movie shall be something to be proud of for every contributor! Of course, your name in the credits is guaranteed.

Shooting this movie is every bit as adventurous as the story for the film itself!

When is the movie supposed to be finished?

Preferably at the end of 2014.

Is there a script?

Sure, there is!

Is there a production schedule?

Sure, as we plan the shooting and shoot and plan.

(… even if Murphy’s Law sets in once in a while…)

The main shooting has started in April 2012 and will hopefully be completed by spring of 2013.

What will be done with the finished work?

First of all, it is supposed to be handed in to film festivals!

… and then we’ll see what happens next…

But these are still dreams of the future. Well, if that doesn’t fit Sci Fi!


J. Roshop aka Rossi (Director / Producer)

January 2013

© 2009 / 2013